Primum non nocerum…First, Do No Harm
A young Resident in Medicine confronted with an emergent clinical problem learns, the first day, to think intelligently, act quickly and … First… do no harm….Then, do something helpful.
When the young Physicians arrive at an emergency they learn to “first, take our own pulse”. It is an exercise in maintaining your own calm in a difficult situation.
The Red Cross always starts out the First Aid Courses with reminding us that when arriving at a scene in need, we must first caution to assure we do not become another, in need of assistance, but remain as one of those helping remedy the situation. Good advice.
Try to not to panic in these times. Communication is King, and Queen.
Our Office is functional. We have adjusted our practices following guidelines that offer guidance to the patients, the staff and the Doctors. Some of the new approaches to maintaining our collective ongoing good health, include:
PLEASE NOTE: Needs must FIRST be communicated with by PHONE. NO WALK INs PLEASE. It puts you and us at risk.
Keeping our distance through “Social Distancing” (see my Doctor’s Note from 3/16/20) is the first and most important line of defense(along with stringent hand washing) for this new communicable virus that transmits by the respiratory route.
CALL FIRST. Also, if calling 911 or going to the ER with any COVID 19 condition PLEASE let 911 and the ER personnel know you are coming prior to just presenting ourselves. It protects the care givers that will help you. As Jerry Maguire so aptly stated…”Help Me…Help You!”.
OFFICE VISITS: Phone visits associated with visual assistance TELEHEALTH when indicated, is available. When I am free, I pick up your calls when you call the office. That continues.
“Appointments” may be made by calling the office and scheduling a PHONE VISIT. Make sure you all know that during the day you are best served to call the OFFICE at 561-368-0191 and your needs will be attended to. The Office Staff is available to answer your drug refill requests and clerical questions.
AFTER HOURS, as always, I am available by CELL PHONE at 561-866-2381.
Dr. Steven E Reznick and I classically have covered each other’s patient populations for years. If I am not available you can call his CELL PHONE at 561-866-2379.
FOR EMERGENCIES: The greater Health Care System is under duress at this time, but there to help.
THEY NEED OUR HELP, SUPPORT and TEAMWORK…Patient, Nurse and Physician…Together.
In order to safeguard the health of the team, hospitals have set up protocols to treat patients. In-house teams of physicians are, and have always been, available for hospital care. The advent of our current situation has required intense fine tuning for the health of the chain of care.
If hospitalization is required the In-House Physicians will be admitting. During these times, stay safe to avoid accidents that require going to the ER if you can.
I am available to communicate with the Admitting Teams and get all pertinent records to them, anywhere, by fax. I am able to access the computer data at the hospitals of which I am on staff, Boca Raton Regional Hospital and West Boca Medical Center. In addition, I am available to speak with you and your designated contacts by phone.
I want you all to stay well nourished, well hydrated and to relax at the end of the day to usher in a good night’s sleep. Stay abreast of the current events. Please contact me if I can assist in answering your questions in this ever changing environment.
Please take a look at this treatise CLICK HERE as it may help you. I had stumbled on it some time ago and was relieved to see there were many stages beyond plain despair.
Be Well,
