Concierge Medicine

With concierge services, patients receive personalized medical care through one appointed, dedicated doctor who is familiar with their medical history and unique health goals.

  • Direct contact to your doctor via cell phone or Internet.
  • Scheduling of referrals and outpatient procedures.
  • Insurance navigation and patient advocacy that saves you money.
  • On-site blood drawing not only at the office, but at your home by request.
  • Health and travel advice as well as standard vaccinations for all ages.
  • Ample time allocated to all new patients and follow-up visits.

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Benefits of Membership

As a member of Dr. Levine’s concierge physician services, you will receive care that is tailored to your unique medical condition. In addition to ongoing medical attention, you will also benefit from having an expert physician who is always looking out for your future wellness through proactive measures and preventive medicine.  A caring, attentive office staff is available to assist you with your medical needs.

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Doctor’s Notes

Doctor’s Notes: Summer 2023 – Health for the Ages

Health for the Ages I hope this summer note finds you re-discovering aspects of your [...]

Doctor’s Notes: Summer 2022 – Resilience

Resilience -  the capability to adjust to misfortune or change All of us have had [...]

Doctor’s Notes: Fall 2021 – Riding the Rapids

May this note find you safe and well. As we usher forth the Holiday Season [...]

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Dear Dr. Levine, today marks the seventh anniversary of the day you diagnosed me and absolutely saved my life. My regular doctor was not available and your nurse called me back and said “Dr. Levine overheard my conversation with you and didn’t like what he heard and offered to see you right away”. You diagnosed my condition and called for an ambulance to take me to the hospital. In an effort to not upset me you spoke to me with calm. After a CT scan I was told I would not survive until the next morning and I was prepped for surgery. I survived a procedure that only 1 in 20 survive and I am here today because of you.

I wasn’t your patient, you did not know me and yet you went out of your way to have your nurse call me back and offer to care for me. Who does that? No one else I know. The world is a better place with you in it. You have been and always will be in my prayers.

Joe, Boca Raton, FL
I and my wife met and chose Dr. Richard Levine to be our family doctor. Over the years we have been very pleased with our choice. He is compassionate and cares, but we feel he is head and shoulders above most. He knows the right questions to ask about your health, which gets to the cause of problem and facilitates a cure. We thought you would want to know, you are getting extra.
Nathan & Shirley, Boca Raton, FL
I was rushed to Boca Community Hospital with severe stomach pains. He responded promptly to my wife’s call even though it was ‘after hours.’ It was very comforting to have an advocate during a difficult time.
Ethan, Boca Raton, FL
I credit Dr. Levine with the sole reason my lung cancer was detected in its early stage. The very fact that I am writing this almost three years later says more than I ever could.
Don, Coral Springs, FL
My husband and I, who do not provide recommendations lightly, have referred a number of friends to Dr. Levine, each of whom have thanked us repeatedly.
Rhonda, Boca Raton, FL
Three years ago, I was hospitalized with an unknown illness. I believe that I am alive today because of Dr. Levine’s persistence, caring and medical skill which led to my recovery and quick return to work.
Louise, Hollywood, FL
I credit Dr. Levine with the sole reason my lung cancer was detected in its early stage. The very fact that I am writing this almost three years later says more than I ever could.
Don, Coral Springs, FL
Before I became a patient of Dr. Levine, I was in a wheelchair and used oxygen 24/7. Once in his care, he took over and began treating me and coordinating my care and in less than six months I was walking and no longer needed oxygen therapy. I am extremely happy that he came into my life. He is a doctor above reproach.
Bernard, Delray Beach, FL
Dr. Levine saved me $600 a month when he took the time to discuss my insurances and medication expenses, thus defraying the cost of his membership. Now, I not only have a better quality of care, but it’s also saving me money.
Matthew, Boca Raton, FL
I have encouraged my family to become patients of Dr. Levine and have great peace-of-mind knowing that they are in his care.
Loretta, Boca Raton, FL
Dr. Levine’s thorough examination of me on my first visit five years ago probably saved my life! …The time he spends on his patients is unheard of for most doctors. 
Chad, Boca Raton, FL
Nine years ago, before traveling for several months, Dr. Levine had me visit his office to have my blood checked. Thanks to his professional and caring attitude, he saved my life and for that I am forever grateful. 
Carol, Delray Beach, FL
Thank you for all that you have done on be half of our parents.  You provided us with much relief, because we knew they were in the hands of an experienced MD who knew what he was doing; who cared enough to investigate and piece together the whole picture; who kept in close touch with the right people at the right times; and who consistently put our family’s best interest first.  
David, Oyster Bay, NY
Your acute diagnostic skills and high index of suspicion have been instrumental in finding my condition at an early stage allowing me the best chance for helpful therapy.  For that I am  grateful.
Howard, Boca Raton, FL

Boca Raton Concierge Physician